Monday, 15 June 2015

Were almost there!!! (Two meanings.)

We have almost made a car that can sustain itself with no emissions. We have all heard the problems that come with the amount of CO2 emissions that come from making that electricity. The fact is that the car is only efficient as the area that it is in. Of course it still is more efficient than regular petrol cars, it still can require the same amount of CO2 to produce the amounts of energy for an electric car. Electric cars need even more energy to make because of the complexity of the batteries used to charge them. The overall effectiveness depends on how green your country is. If they have lower carbon emissions for electricity then you will have lower carbon emissions for your electric car.

From 'Electric Cars Aren't Green' Article.

If you want to be green, research must be done on your province/country before seeing whether buying a electric car would be better or worse for the environment. Using only petrol might even be better because the electricity used to power your car makes ever more CO2 emissions then a petrol powerd car. But why am I saying this without the technological solutions that arise from these problems? because were not there yet... Ok now we are. The solution is coming from the magnificent Tesla company. Tesla created the model S which is known to be the first luxury/sport electric car that is within a reasonable price

(Tesla Model S [Also my wallpaper] )

Tesla has recently released The Powerwall which is essentially a large battery which is mounted to your wall, someone might think "what the heck will that do." but I was also completely unaware of its benefits until Elon Musk explained it at the release conference. What it can do is store power whenever you are not using it such as store power from the afternoon and use that power during peak times to save money. But the real benefit from it is being able to store electricity from solar panels which allow you to use them for more high voltage uses such as powering your whole house or the benefit that i'm going to use, Powering your car. With this you can fully run your car with zero emissions and charge it when you get back home from work.

But wait... What about the power that is used to make the cars that was mentioned before. They solved that too!! (partially) Since batteries are one of the main problems Tesla has been dealing with they have created a factory that achieves what their whole main goal is... Net Zero Emissions. Thats right, not only does the GigaFactory run on itself, it is estimated to generate 20% more energy than it uses by running the whole factory off of solar panels. This company will never stop amazing me and I believe they will soon reach their goal of having Net Zero Emissions across everything they do.



DeMorro, Christopher. 'Tesla Gigafactory Could Produce 20% More Electricity Than It Needs'.CleanTechnica. N.p., 2014. Web. 16 June 2015.,. 'Carbon Dioxide Emissions | Climate Change | US EPA'. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 June 2015.,. 'Shades Of Green: Electric Cars' Carbon Emissions Around The Globe'. N.p., 2013. Web. 16 June 2015.,. 'Tesla Gigafactory | Tesla Motors Canada'. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 June 2015.,. 'Tesla Powerwall'. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 June 2015.
Wilson, Lindsy. 'The 'Electric Cars Aren't Green' Myth Debunked'. N.p., 2013. Web. 16 June 2015.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike! Its true that when it comes to pollution and the vehicles we drive, we need to start looking hard at the alternatives we can possibly conceive to replace out petrol power source. The CO2 emissions are terribly harmful to our atmosphere and environment. It would be really nice to see more electric powered cars on the street to reduce these emissions and help preserve our earth.But as you stated we have not yet perfected this technology and still have a long way to go, but the progress that tesla are showing with this idea is astounding! This really makes me think that the idea of using this kind of power source for our everyday lives isnt that far away anymore!
